Torii Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. revised earnings guidance for the year fiscal year ended December 31, 2017. For the year, the company revised net sales of JPY 64,130 million, operating income of JPY 6,280 million, ordinary income of JPY 6,400 million and net income of JPY 4,710 million or JPY 167.92 per share compared to previously guidance net sales of JPY 63,100 million, operating income of JPY 5,000 million, ordinary income of JPY 5,100 million and net income of JPY 3,800 million or JPY 135.48 per share. Net sales are now expected to be slightly higher than the previously announced forecast figures due to the mainstay product "REMITCH (an oral pruritus treatment in dialysis patients)" sales are strong. Operating income and ordinary income are expected to exceed the previously announced forecast figures due to the positive effects of cost saving initiatives and some deferred expenses to next year in both R&D and sales. As a result, net income is also expected to be higher than the previously announced forecast figures.