January 4, 2012
TonenGeneral Sekiyu K.K.
(Stock Code: 5012 Tokyo Stock Exchange) Representative Director, President
P. P. Ducom
Public and Government Affairs
ExxonMobil Yugen K aisha
Tel: 03-6713-4400

Regarding Certain Media Reports Today

Regarding media coverage about a withdrawal of ExxonMobil from Japan that appeared on 4
January: The reports are not based on an announcement by TonenGeneral Sekiyu. Moreover, ExxonMobil has stated that it has no plans to exit the Japan market, as described below.
TonenGeneral Sekiyu confirms that it is currently engaged, as a member of the ExxonMobil Japan Group, in an integrated strategic study and, as a result, is in discussion with itts parent Exxon Mobil Corporation about the potential restructuring of the Group as a strategy to respond to the many
changes in our regulatory and business environment. not yet been made.
Final recommendations and decisions have
TonenGeneral Sekiyu has made inquiry of its major shareholder Exxon Mobil Corporation and reports verbatim their response as follows:

"Regarding media coverage about a withdrawal from Japan that appeare d on today: none of these reports are based on announcements made by ExxonMobil. "ExxonMobil can confirm that it is in discussions with TonenGeneral Sekiyu about the potential restructuring of its holdings in Japan but no decisions have been made. ExxonMobil has no plans to exit the Japan market. Our customers will continue to enjoy ExxonMobil brands and products. "We have been doing business in Japan for over 118 years. In that time we have continuously innovated and adapted our business to both meet the needs of society and the changing business environment. In addition, we continue to look for opportunities to strengthen our competitive position in Japan and increase shareholder value.

If and/or when TonenGeneral Sekiyu has any further information that is materiial to its shareholders, we would, per applicable requirements, communicate with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and other stakeholders.

[The official language for TonenGeneral's filings with the Tokyo Stock Exchange and Ja panese authorities, and for communications with our shareholders, is Japanese. We have posted English versions of some of this information on this website. While these English versions have been prepared in good faith, Tone nGeneral does not accept responsibility for the accuracy of the translations, and reference should be made to the original Japanese language materials.]

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Ce noodl a été diffusé par TonenGeneral Sekiyu KK et initialement mise en ligne sur le site http://www.tonengeneral.co.jp. La version originale est disponible ici.

Ce noodl a été distribué par noodls dans son format d'origine et sans modification sur 2012-01-04 08:59:10 AM et restera accessible depuis ce lien permanent.

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Documents associés
Regarding Certain Media Reports TodayPDF (26K)