Moscow, 15 January, 2013 - ?NK-?? reports that based on the 2012 results oil production within the Company international projects is estimated at 18 mln barrels, which is 14% more than a year before.

TNK-BP is consistently implementing its program to increase production within the Company foreign assets. By 2020 the share of international projects in the total hydrocarbon production volumes of the Company is expected to be ca. 10%.

Currently the Company foreign assets portfolio includes projects in Venezuela, Vietnam and Brazil. Jointly with Venezuela's state-owned company PDVSA, ?N?-?? is implementing four projects. In 2012, average daily production within the largest of these projects - JV PetroMonagas (?N?-??'s share - 16.7%) increased by 20% to 145 k bbl/day, and annual production exceeded 50 mln boe. In Vietnam TNK-BP is developing the Lan Tay and Lan Do fields, where ca. 4.4 bcma of gas is produced. The Brazilian project Solimoes is currently at the stage of exploration. In 2013, seismic will be shot here and exploration drilling will be continued.

"The international expansion is a new area of the Company development. Participating in international projects will allow us to gain invaluable experience, test many unique technologies, which in the future will be adapted and efficiently used in Russia," said Boris Zilbermints, Senior Vice President, International Projects and Business Development in his interview to the Novator corporate magazine.

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