TiVo Corporation released the findings from a recent churn reduction analysis pulled from its Personalized Content Discovery Platform (PCD). Among some of the key findings uncovered were that churn is directly related to long-term audience retention. Video service providers that implemented technology solutions that helped them personalize their search and recommendations saw a 140% increase in audience retention over six months, respectively. Additionally, presenting certain content recommendations to consumers supported a notable reduction in churn. For example, if users are presented with personalized video-on-demand (VOD) titles that align with their most engaged consumption patterns, they are less likely to churn over time. Among some additional key findings were: Providers that use personalization technology like the Personalized Content Discovery platform, churn up to three times less than providers who manually merchandize their content. Based on an analysis of ROI, churn reduction also has a direct impact on the bottom line of content merchandising spend. Users who spend an above-average fraction of time watching on a weekday tend to be more likely to churn, as compared to those who spend an above-average fraction of time watching during the weekend. The reduction of churn leads to increased new user retention and increased viewership, which can be attributed to a commitment to personalize the user experience. This implies great opportunity for increased monetization for the provider, and a better consumer experience, due to reduced content search time. While great content is crucial, great content alone is insufficient. TiVo’s churn analysis has revealed that engagement and viewership are the two most important elements to examine when determining how and why a user is or isn’t churning. Through robust analytics tools that live within TiVo’s content merchandising tech stack, TiVo can optimize better predictions to showcase how users might behave when presented with valuable content and also help determine what actions can be taken to support lower churn rates.