Theralink Technologies announced early results showing actionability and clinical utility for its commercial CLIA assay. Actionability is defined as providing physicians with test results that are actionable for patient treatment selection and Clinical Utility is defined as the percentage of times that the physician acts upon those test results to select next course of treatment for the patient. Theralink assay results were analyzed from an initial cohort of 118 patients with advanced breast cancer whose oncologists ordered the Theralink assay for treatment planning.

Biomarker treatment implications were summarized for potential therapy options that are commonly listed on the Theralink Report which also factors into each patient's prior treatment history and ER/PR/HER2 status. Actionable insights from this novel phosphoprotein panel assay span a wide range of therapy options. Overall actionability rate was greater than 90% in each breast cancer subtype.

A subset analysis of post report physician surveys found that Theralink's novel CLIA phosphoprotein/protein panel assay has both actionability and clinical utility in treatment planning across a multitude of therapy options. Oncologists considered changing therapy 78% of the time when provided the phosphoprotein data. A prospective study on post-report outcomes is underway.