Today, Steffen Matheis, representing TH1NG in Germany, has been invited as a speaker at the Greentech.LIVE conference at Innoport, Reutlingen. 

The Greentech.LIVE conference serves as a platform for constructive knowledge exchange, new approaches, and best practices to address challenging environmental issues and shape a more sustainable future. 

The conference program covers topics such as renewable energy, energy efficiency, circular economy, sustainable mobility and green building. Steffen Matheis is invited to present the company's heat energy-saving solution, Heatmanager, which reduces a building's heating costs up to 30 %. 

- The Greentech.LIVE conference is reputable and gathers prominent actors from the branch, representants from municipalities, investors and journalists. Given context offers a perfect opportunity for us to present our smart heat energy-saving solution, which really makes a difference in the strive for a sustainable society, says Steffen Matheis, CEO at IIOOTE Deutschland. 

- TH1NG is in the process of establishing presence in the German market. This opportunity, where Steffen Matheis, our German CEO, will be a speaker at the Greentech.LIVE conference, aligns with our strategy to raise awareness of our smart solutions in Germany. The Heatmanager product assists real estate owners in reducing costs while contributing to a positive impact on the environment, says Klas Westholm, CEO at TH1NG

För ytterligare information:
Klas Westholm
Mobil: +46 (0)737-45 48 00

TH1NG DEVELOPS AND DELIVERS CRITICAL DIGITAL INFRASTRUCTURE ENABLING SMART AND SUSTAINABLE SOCIETIES. The IoT platform IoT Open, enables TH1NG, together with its partners, to connect all communicating devices and makes future services possible. Smart properties, industries, homes, smart healthcare and elderly care, as well as sustainable development, can all benefit from our technology and expertise to develop the emerging smart society. By connecting vast amounts of data from sensors and other devices, IoT Open can serve as the central hub in society. Digital connectivity is the foundation for creating these solutions and services, and TH1NG offers several different communication methods, such as 5G, Fiber och LoRaWAN. TH1NG was founded in 2018 with offices in Stockholm, Borlange,Gothenburg Sweden and in Reutlingen, Germany. Certified Adviser Redeye AB

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