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More and more people are no longer watching television in the traditional way. They are discontinuing their TV subscriptions and opting for alternatives, including streaming services from major broadcasters. But how much can you save by saying goodbye to cable TV?

Context: When you take out a telecom subscription, many telecom operators give you the option to add a TV subscription to the package. Although a recent survey by VRT NWS shows that more and more compatriots are canceling their TV subscriptions.

  • According to the news site, in the first three months of this year, 18,000 people have already cancelled their TV subscriptions with Telenet. Proximus, in turn, lost 15,000 television customers.
  • The reason for this decline in the number of viewers of classic television should not be sought far. With VTM GO, VRT Max and GoPlay, the major Flemish broadcasters all have a streaming service where you can watch live and after the event.
  • Moreover, more and more American streaming giants, including Netflix, Amazon Prime and Disney+, are finding their way to our country. Earlier this month, by the way, a new player was added: HBO Max.

Save by discontinuing TV subscription

Clarification: By no longer watching TV in the traditional way, you can quickly save several tens of euros per month.

  • At Orange, you pay 19 euros per month to use a decoder. The telecom giant also offers an option where you can watch TV via the Orange app. In that case, you pay 10 euros per month.
    • It is also possible to take out a subscription without the TV app or TV box. You then save 19 euros per month.
    • For the cheapest subscription without the TV app or TV box you pay 57 euros per month (excluding a 10 euro discount during the first six months). With the app, the price tag rises to at least 67 euros, and with the TV box to 76 euros.
  • With Telenet, you pay at least 13.52 euros per month for a TV box (depending on the chosen subscription). As with Orange, with Telenet you get the option to watch TV via an app. That will cost you at least 10.53 euros per month. Again, the price can vary depending on the chosen subscription.
    • It is also possible to get a subscription without TV. We'll take the One formula as an example. If you include a TV box in that subscription, you pay 98.72 euros per month (excluding temporary discounts). Without a TV app or TV box, the price drops to 75.8 euros per month.
  • Proximus also offers the option to take out a telecom subscription (internet + mobile) without a digicoder. If you put together a package without decoder (starting at 74.99 euros per month), you can get access to Light tv for 9 euros per month. A subscription with fixed and mobile internet and a TV decoder costs at least 92.99 euros per month.

Smaller players

Noted: If you only need telecom package with internet and mobile it definitely pays to take a look at the smaller players. Many of them offer packages without television.

  • With Mobile Vikings or Scarlet, for example, you can get a telecom package (without TV) starting at 47 euros and 50 euros per month, respectively.
  • While doing so, don't forget to look at the details of the tariff plans. Among other things, check how much data usage and calling minutes you get.
  • Via, the price comparer of the regulator BIPT, you can compare all operators at once.

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