Tecogen Inc. announced an order for 8 InVerde e+® units to be incorporated into a hotel in New York City. The 8 InVerde units, collectively rated to one megawatt, will supplement the existing power supply of the hotel and provide additional resiliency. The system will utilize Tecogen's proprietary microgrid feature that simplifies synchronizing and load control, allowing the eight units to operate in unison.

The units are expected to be serviced from Tecogen's Brooklyn service facility, which already services three 400-ton Tecochill systems at the hotel. The InVerde e+ system includes proprietary inverter technology which allows units to integrate with other distributed generation assets such as battery storage and solar, as well as the ability to function independently from the utility during grid outages. All Tecogen systems are equipped with a proprietary emissions technology called Ultera which reduces criteria emissions to levels on par with fuel cell technology.

The units are planned for shipment in mid-2022.