TD Ameritrade Holding Corporation announced that Brian Levitt has been elected to its board of directors, effective October 1, 2016. Levitt, will fill the vacancy created by the expiration of TD’s waiver of its rights to designate one of its directors, which accommodated the election of TD Ameritrade President and CEO-elect, Tim Hockey, effective Jan. 2, 2016. He joins the board as CEO Fred Tomczyk steps down upon his retirement from the company. Levitt serves as chairman of the board for TD Bank Group, a position he has held since 2011. He is also the vice-chair of Osler, Hoskin, & Harcourt LLP, which he first joined in 1976. He was named a partner in 1979, and in 1991 left the practice to become president and subsequently CEO of Imasco Limited, a Canadian consumer products and services company. Imasco was sold in 2000, and Levitt returned to Osler in 2001.