ABN 45 009 491 990

Leve! 33

Aurora Piace

88 Phillip Street

Sydney NSW 2000


Telephone (02) 9251 4244

Facsimile (02) 9247 2322

In reply please refer: 2818

4 March 2013
Manager, Company Announcements Office
ASX Limited
Level4, Exchange Centre
20 Bridge Street
Sydney NSW 2000
Dear Sir/Madam
Tasmania Mines Limited (TMM) Dividend Payable
We advise that the Board of Tasmania Mines Limited today declared a fully franked dividend of six cents ($0.06) per issued share in the capitai of the Company.
Ex Dividend Date: 2 April2013
Record Date: 8 April2013
Payment Date: 30 Apri12013
Yours faithfully,

K J Broadfoot

Company Secretary
distributed by