From? Tasly InternationalAuthor? Suo Na

Tasly South Africa received on Dec. 13 a delegation led by Mr. Li Peisheng, deputy secretary-general of Tianjin Municipal People's Government.

The delegation of 10 people reached the firm at 2 p.m. and was greeted by the entire staff. Accompanied by Managing Director Suo Na, the delegation visited the clinic and the product exhibition area, shaking hands and exchanging greetings with native doctors, employees and sales reps from time to time.
Later, the managing director presented before the delegation a report on the operation and development of the firm.

Deputy Secretary-general Li Peisheng and Mr. Li Hong, a deputy director with Tianjin Municipal Commission of Commerce, gave positive comments on the sustained healthy operation and growth of Tasly in South Africa and offered instructions and advice on how to encourage more outstanding Tianjin enterprises to "go abroad" and how to conduct international marketing. Meanwhile, the plan to establish a chamber of commerce of SA-based Tianjin enterprises was proposed to enlarge the influence of Tianjin enterprises in the country, promote corporate brands, and help the Tianjin municipal government in foreign publicity and reception as a foreign window of Tianjin.

The firm presented the delegation leaders with gifts after the talks.

Tasly SA Managing Director Suo Na Reporting to the Delegation
    Deputy Secretary-general Li Peisheng Giving Instructions

Deputy Secretary-general Li Peisheng Shaking Hands Cordially with a Native Doc

Deputy Secretary-general Reading Health Records Carefully

Delegation Leaders Inquiring about Local Sales of Tasly Products

A Group Photo of the Delegation and Tasly SA Staff

Edited by? si-na

Date? 2013-01-08
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