The deflation dragon is back to haunt Europe. Inflation in the euro zone seeing a surprise fall to 0.8% on the year in November. Michael Gallagher, MD at IDEAglobal says Thursday will bring ECB dovishness and Ireland can be held up as the real poster boy for European programmes.



JOURNALIST ASKING MIKE GALLAGHER: 'I don't know if dragons haunt things. It's certainly making things a little hotter down Draghi's collar, right?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'Well I think we'll see some dovishness when we come to Thursday's ECB meeting. I think the contrast with December will be more noticeable. However, the ECB are unlikely to act until really March or April in terms of the refi rate and we expect a cut around that time period.'

JOURNALIST: 'But what do you expect in the meantime? Anything else?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'Well it's possible that they could actually announce a 12-month LTRO. I think the big three-year LTRO is going to wait for later this year until after the stress tests. So in the meantime, we could see a down payment potentially as early as this week, possibly not though, I think more likely February.'

JOURNALIST: 'Did this number surprise you, the 0.8%?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'The number certainly does disappoint. I think the ECB's trajectory is that the inflation should go back above 1% and flatten out for a little bit. I think it's still the lag effects of the recession in Europe that we saw in 2012 and 2013.'

JOURNALIST: 'Are we overplaying it to talk about a deflationary threat?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'Yeah, I think we are overplaying deflation, but ultra-low inflation is serious in and of itself. So it does need to be watched quite closely. I think ultimately, the ECB are sensitive.'

JOURNALIST: 'But we need to stop comparing Europe with Japan over the last decade, right?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'Yeah. I mean true deflation is where you see persistent negative inflation numbers and we're not quite there yet in terms of a lot of the indicators in Europe.'

JOURNALIST: 'Ireland had a very successful, no great surprise but a successful, auction. The yield has hit an eight-year low. Bumper demand, let me see if I can run through it, EUR9 billion were bid. Do you think it's enough to get Moody's to switch from non-investment grade?'

MIKE GALLAGHER: 'I think it potentially is. I think Ireland's the real poster boy for European programs. But I think we can't necessarily read too much from Ireland to Europe as a whole. I think Ireland is in a good recovery story and I think that will continue to gain momentum, but it doesn't necessarily translate over to Portugal, for example.'