Stellar AfricaGold Inc. announced that the Company has launched a preliminary reconnaissance program on the Prikro Permit in Côte d'Ivoire. A preliminary reconnaissance program is underway at the Company's Prikro Permit in Côte d'Ivoire, a 369.5 km2 exploration licence located in the Prikro and Koun-Fao Departments in eastern Côte d'Ivoire, approximately 240 km northeast of Abidjan. Originally, the licence was selected due to the presence of historical reported gold occurrences, prospective geology, and the existence of artisanal workings in the surrounding areas including along strike of a major NE-SW trending shear zone which is interpreted to traverse the licence area across its southern half. Birimian-age greenstone rocks reportedly crop out extensively across the Prikro licence which are the dominant host setting for gold deposits across West Africa. The preliminary reconnaissance program is being conducted by a local team lead by Dr. Lionel Boya and under a daily supervision by Maurice Giroux, the Company's COO and V.P. Exploration. This initial program has two main objectives: a) to establish the social protocols with all local authorities in the region and to introduce Stellar as the new owner and operator on the Prikro permit, and b) to conduct a preliminary prospection and a geological overview of the permit area with a special attention to any indication of present and past artisanal gold mining in the area. The establishment of social protocols is essential to the smooth operation of all future exploration programs. Dr. Boya has met with all Préfets, Sous-Préfets and village Chiefs who were briefed about the new owners of the Prikro Permit and Stellar's plans for future exploration programs were explained. Stellar's delegation was warmly welcomed and permissions were granted for future exploration within the permit boundaries. The technical objectives of this initial field visit are to survey for new or historical artisanal mining activities, to provide a general description of prevailing geology and to begin sampling the gold bearing structures observed in those historical mining sites. Dr. Boya reported observing and being informed of both significant mechanized gold dredging and artisanal placer mining activity along the Comoé River that transverses the Prikro Permit NW-SE dividing the Permit into the east and west sides. The presence of sufficient coarse gold in river sediments to warrant dredging and artisanal placer mining was encouraging for future exploration. The conclusion and recommendations of this initial program will be the base of the planning for the next phase of a more extensive exploration program that Stellar intends to start as soon as sampling assay results and the final reconnaissance report is available.