Facedrive Inc. announced TraceSCAN V2, the latest version of its contact-tracing solution developed by Facedrive Health. The technology team at Facedrive Health has confirmed that TraceSCAN V2 is set to be released after passing all requisite testing and deployment procedures, and Facedrive anticipates the new devices and firmware being ready for release in February 2021. TraceSCAN V2 features an extensive set of enhanced functionalities aimed at providing key health and safety benefits while improving upon the usual shortcomings of typical Bluetooth devices (which are not GPS-based) such as accuracy, data management, privacy considerations and vital sign monitoring capability. For example, the new functionality will include proprietary “beacon” technology allowing enterprise users to (anonymously) track interzonal-movement within their premises by wearable devices associated with a positive COVID-19 test while also enabling a significantly tighter accuracy radius in device tracking. TraceSCAN V2 will also further integrate temperature checking and other key health and safety functionalities that work cross-platform with Facedrive’s rideshare and food delivery applications to fully leverage the benefits of its proprietary technology. The announcement of the latest release of TraceSCAN comes on the heels of several other TraceSCAN related announcements such as its efforts along with strategic advisor Phil Fontaine (former Chief of the National Assembly of First Nations) to work with members of the First Nations Community to implement its TraceSCAN solution within particularly vulnerable communities. The Company is currently pursuing partnerships with entities such as government agencies, leading international labour unions and large multinational corporations, and plans to report as soon as such discussions materialise. As reported earlier, the Company recently expanded the scope of its technology pilot with Air Canada after initial positive results, with a 99% adoption rate amongst participating employees and over 30,000 interactions.