FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE January 13, 2014 Media Contact: Joanne Brigandi (609) 561-9000 x 4240 South Jersey Gas Experiences Record Sendout [Folsom, NJ]-With temperatures averaging 12 degrees on January 3 and 11 degrees on January 7, South Jersey Gas set back-to-back records for a single day sendout. On January 3, customers used 452,194 decatherms of natural gas and on January 7 they used an unprecedented 495,056 decatherms. These new milestones broke the company's former single day record of 437,190 decatherms used last year during January.

"Due to significant system infrastructure improvements and enhancements made over the past several years we were able to provide a record amount of natural gas to our customers without loss of service during this unusually cold time period," stated Jeffrey E. DuBois, president of SJG.
When extreme temperatures occur during the winter months SJG recommends these energy saving tips that will help customers save energy and ensure their comfort.