
n r s o u n c E r

August 20, 2012
Note to ali Sonde shareholders, investors and service providers:
l want to offer my apologies for the untimely, unplanned e-mail and website outage this week.
This unfortunate situation could not have occurred at a worse time in order to maintain dialogue with ali of you after our Press Relea se and Quarterly Financial Disclosures.
The nontechnical explanation for what occurred is Dotster the Sonde Domain Name Services (DNS) provider performed a server upgrade. None of Sonde DNS records transferred during the server up gra de. Without correct DNS entries, the internet and routing computers were unable to locate our website or our e-mail server addresses even though both were working properly during this period.
These incorrect entries caused our website to become unavailable and prevented Sonde from receiving
e-mails. The problems were not under Sonde's control nor were we informed of the pending upgrade. l apologize for the inconvenience and believe the situation has been rectified.
Thank you for your patience and understanding in this matter.

Jack Schanck,President and CEO Sonde Resources Corp.

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