Sinoma International Engineering Co., Ltd. and PT Cemindo Gemilang recently entered into the PT Cemindo Gemilang Bayah 10,000 tpd Cement Plant Engineering and Supply Contract, pursuant to which Sinoma International will provide services to PT Cemindo Gemilang, including limestone/clay joint breaking and long belts conveying, one complete clinker cement products line with daily production capacity of 10,000 tonnes in factory area, design and supply of transport of the end products to the projects matched piers, supply of handling equipment for projects matched piers. The projects thereunder are located in County Bayah of Banten Province in Indonesia. The total consideration under the Operation Contract is USD 350,100,000, the aggregated penalty for the delay in construction period and unacceptable performance
of the projects shall be no more than 10% of the corresponding total consideration under the Operation Contract.