Mr. Soh Chiong Siong ("SCS") has resigned as Financial Controller of Singapore Paincare Holdings Limited (the "Company") for personal reasons. The Company is currently in discussion with SCS on the effective date of cessation and will make an announcement as soon as the effective date of cessation has been fixed. After having interviewed SCS and to the best of its knowledge, the Company's sponsor, Novus Corporate Finance Pte.

Ltd., is satisfied that, save as disclosed in this announcement, there are no other material reasons for the resignation of SCS as the Financial Controller of the Company. The Company will search for a suitable candidate for the position of Chief Financial Officer or Financial Controller and will make the necessary announcement to update shareholders on the new appointment in due course. Role And Responsibilities: SCS is responsible for overseeing the Group's finance and accounting matters.

Cessation Date Availability Details: The effective date of cessation will be announced separately once it has been confirmed.