Sinco Pharmaceuticals Holdings Limited provided group earnings guidance for the year ended December 31, 2016. Based on a preliminary assessment of the unaudited management accounts of the group for the financial year ended December 31, 2016, the group expects to record a significant decline in profit by approximately RMB 50.0 million for the Reporting Period as compared with that for the year 2015. This is mainly attributable to: due to the temporary delay in supply of Human Albumin Solution, the Group is expected to record a significant decline in sales volume and revenue; meanwhile, the depreciation of RMB against the U.S. dollar led to a significant increase in purchase cost. Affected by the two reasons, the Group's gross profit is expected to decrease by approximately RMB 48.0 million during the Reporting Period; and in order to adapt to the changes in pharmaceutical policies and market, the Group has taken a series of moves to strengthen the professional construction of internal marketing team, and optimizing marketing network. The Group also proactively investigates and seeks for products with high growth potential in the domestic pharmaceutical market.