Simble Solutions Limited announced that Wattwatchers Digital Energy has appointed Simble as the first certified third-party app provider as part of a national roll-out of smart energy technology to homes, businesses and schools, partly funded by the Australian Government's Australian Renewable Energy Agency (ARENA). Simble will be the first certified third-party app provider of the national rollout to homes and businesses, providing its real-time energy management applications, using energy data intelligence and engagement to help consumers save money, reduce consumption and cut carbon emissions. Simble's Energy App built on the SimbleSense energy analytics platform will accurately monitor, analyse and control electrical circuits in real-time through the cloud through Wattwatchers IoT supported hardware devices. Deployments for the MEM will start in early 2020, with Wattwatchers working closely alongside Simble to enable sites to join energy management programs and provide new data services to increase reliability of power grids as they integrate rising levels of distributed energy.