Sigma Designs, Inc. announced that it will demonstrate a 4K x 2K digital TV platform on a 55" inch screen at the Las Vegas Hotel Suite 2921 at CES 2013. This next generation Ultra HD display technology (UHDTV) is four times the resolution of high-definition televisions and is using Sigma Designs' MEMC/FRC (Motion Estimation Motion Compensation based Frame Rate Conversion) technology. Sigma's MEMC/FRC converts low frame rates to 120Hz or 240Hz frame rate by removing film judder so that content is displayed with smooth motion and high picture quality.

Sigma Designs, a world-wide recognized leader in MEMC/FRC picture quality, is applying its core video processing technology and strength to develop 4K x 2K FRC devices to offer the best performance solution in the market while reducing the total cost of these TV sets. Sigma will demonstrate 4K x 2K MEMC and Super-resolution technology with 120Hz 4K x 2K panel at CES. This new technology is expected to enable TV OEMs to offer a new class of premium products which can shorten consumers' replacement cycle of previous generation LCD TVs that they purchased several years ago.