As per set in Section 82 of the Act 24/1988, of the Stock Exchange, GAMESA announces the following statement:
GAMESA CORPORACIÓN TECNOLÓGICA, S.A. ("GAMESA) and AREVA, S.A. ("AREVA") have entered into exclusive negotiations with the purpose to create a joint-venture company (hereinafter, "JV") through which they may channel all the development of the offshore wind business of both companies and its subsidiaries.
AREVA and GAMESA may have each of them 50% participation in the share capital of the JV.
Subject to obtaining the necessary authorizations and consents, AREVA and GAMESA may contribute offshore wind business related technologies and assets of their property to the JV, including among others:
(a) in the case of AREVA, its assembly plant in Bremerhaven and its blade manufacturing plant in Stade
(both in Germany), as well as its offshore wind technology and its contracts portfolio.
(b) in the case of GAMESA, its multi-megawatt technology applicable to offshore, its 5.0 MW platform and its 5.0 MW offshore prototype, as well as its engineering and operation and maintenance competence and knowledge.
The suggested JV may enable both companies to address the offshore market in a more solid way in the commercial, technological and industrial areas, with the objective of becoming one of the leading global turbine manufacturers in the offshore sector. In particular, in the product development field it is foreseen:
(i) In the 5 MW wind turbines rank, the JV will continue to market AREVA's M5000 turbine and additionally in the short-term the development of a new generation of 5 MW wind turbines including the improvements and advantages of the multi-megawatt technology of GAMESA.
(ii) In the 8 MW rank, the development of a new generation of turbines will be accelerated, benefiting from the investments and knowledge developed by both parties until the date and from the technological synergies generated by the JV.
In the following months it is foreseen that the parties will finish its respective due diligence processes and specify the terms of the definitive agreements, that may be embodied, essentially, in a master agreement, a shareholders agreement, assets and liabilities transfer agreements, a purchase agreement with GAMESA for the critical components as preferential supplier and other accessorial agreements.
Zamudio, Vizcaya, January 20, 2014
Ignacio Martín San Vicente

Executive Chairman

NOTICE. The present document is a translation of a duly approved document in Spanish- language, and it is only provided for informational purposes. Shall a discrepancy between the present translation and the original document in Spanish-language appear, the text of the original Spanish-language document shall always prevail.

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