Shui On Land Limited announced sales results for the month and year ended Dec. 2018. For the month, contracted property sales amounted to RMB 1,835 million, comprising residential property sales of RMB 1,577 million and commercial property sales of RMB 258 million, respectively. In December 2018, total gross floor area ("GFA") of contracted property sales were 62,000 square metres ("sq. m.") and 400 units of carpark. For the year, contracted property sales amounted to RMB 14,530 million against RMB 10,415 million a year ago. Total contracted sales amounted to RMB 22,279 million against RMB 21,366 million a year ago. Contracted property sales sold area was 361,000 sq.m. compared to 245,400 sq.m. a year ago.