Shui On Land Limited announced unaudited group sales results for the month and full year ended December 31, 2017. For the month, the contracted property sales and other assets disposal amounted to RMB 5,454 million, comprising residential property sales of RMB 1,572 million, commercial property sales of RMB 13 million and other assets disposal of RMB 3,869 million, respectively. For the year, the company reported total contracted property sales of RMB 10,415 million and other assets disposal of TMB 10,951 million compared to RMB 21,282 million and RMB 1,693 million, respectively a year ago. In addition to the contracted property sales and other assets disposal, as of 31 December 2017, the Group had recorded a total of RMB 3,811 million of subscribed sales, of which subscribed other assets disposal was RMB 3,160 million, which is expected to be subsequently turned into contracted property sales and other assets disposal in the following months.