The summer may be drawing to a rather damp close, but there's still one national outdoor event in the calendar which aims to get people onto two wheels for at least one day; Cycle to Work Day.

Taking place on Thursday 03 September 2015, the idea is to encourage as many people as possible to cycle their commute for environmental, health and cost benefits. According to census data, over three quarters of a million people cycle to work on a regular basis and, with initiatives like the Cycle to Work Day, the hope is to see one million people regularly cycling to work in the next few years.

With around 47% of the population living less than five miles from their place of work, cycling to work is both quicker and easier than you may initially think. Taking it at a leisurely pace, a five mile trip would equate to around 30 minutes in the saddle, and doesn't necessarily mean a shower and change at the other end, as cycling takes up a third less energy than walking the same distance.

And, should you need any, there are some invaluable tips from existing cyclists available on the Cycle to Work Day website. From wearing high vis whatever the weather to ensuring that you don't ride in the gutter and from planning your route in advance (the shortest route not necessarily being the best option) to taking your time and enjoying it, there are plenty of useful pointers to make sure that your journey is both safe and pleasurable.

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