Sequans Communications S.A. and Ecrio Inc. have developed a new solution integrating Ecrio's FlexIMS voice over LTE, or VoLTE, and SMS over IMS client software with Sequans's LTE chipset platforms. As part of an ongoing product development activity with a key device OEM, the Sequans/Ecrio VoLTE implementation has been successfully demonstrated on a customer platform, proving its interoperability and performance capabilities in a real-world device. The turnkey solution provides everything needed to support VoLTE on LTE phones, tablets, CPEs, gateways, M2M/IoT devices, and more, and allows ODMs and OEMs to shorten time to market. Ecrio's FlexIMS patented technology allows for the broadest coverage of IMS/VoLTE device types including mobile and LTE home/enterprise CPE with full support of regulatory capabilities.