As of May 31, 2018, AMS Encino Investments, Inc. (‘Seller'), entered into a common stock purchase agreement pursuant to which the Seller agreed to sell to Bagel Hole, Inc. (‘Purchaser'), the 5,753,333 shares of common stock of Intelligent Buying, Inc. (‘Company') owned by the Seller, constituting approximately 80.1% of the company's 7,156,600 issued and outstanding common shares, for $90,000. The transaction was consummated on June 15, 2018. As a result of the sale under the stock purchase agreement, the seller, whose principal, Hector Guerrero, was also the company's sole officer and director, resigned as the company's sole officer and director, and appointed Philip Romanzi (‘Designee'), who is the owner of the Purchaser, as the sole director of the Company.

The designee now controls the company. The new director and executive officer of the company, as of June 15, 2018: Philip Romanzi, Director, CEO, CFO. For more than the past five years, Mr. Romanzi has been the sole owner, officer and director of Bagel Hole, Inc.