SEI announced the appointment of Brett Williams as U.K. Managing Director, SEI Wealth Platform(SM). Brett is responsible for leading the U.K. Private Banks team and will oversee the operation and continued growth of the SEI Wealth Platform in the U.K. market. Brett has worked in financial services for 30 years and joins SEI from LW2 Private Equity Partnership, where he was Partner.

He has held various senior roles in the industry including CEO of Cofunds, CEO of Selestia, and CEO of Skandia U.K., following Old Mutual's acquisition of the Skandia Group. SEI also announced the appointment of Jim London to U.K. Chief Operating Officer. A long-term employee of SEI, Jim will continue to lead SEI Wealth Platform solution development efforts in the U.K. and will now also oversee operations and change management.

Ryan Hicke has been promoted to Senior Vice President and will return to the U.S. to assume an executive position within SEI's Private Banks business.