Schrole Group Ltd. advised that Schrole Engage 1.0 has been released in February 2022, achieving a key milestone in developing and releasing an expanded Schrole HR product suite. The release of Schrole Engage 1.0 completes the release of the expanded Schrole HR SaaS product suite, ahead of time and within cost expectations. The Company is pleased to advise that initial demand for Schrole Engage is strong, with 43 schools currently in beta testing.

"Schrole HR" is the Company's full HR product suite including Schrole Connect, Verify, Engage, Cover, Develop, Events. Schrole Engage 1.0 provides onboarding software for schools, streamlining the often-challenging process of data collection, verification, and review. Benefits of Schrole HR SaaS includes Enables additional cross and upsell opportunities supporting growth in sales and revenues, as evidenced by the Company's upgraded contact with the UAE school group.

Potentially increases contract value and number of products per customer. Enables sales generation across the full calendar year, reducing historical reliance on the second half of the calendar year.