10.1.2023 08:00:00 CET | Schibsted | Acquisition or disposal of the issuer's own

Please see below information about transactions made under the buyback programme
announced on 09 December 2022.

Date on which the repurchase programme was announced: 09 December 2022
The duration of the repurchase programme: The buyback programme will end no
later than 30 September 2023
Size of the repurchase programme: Up to 4% of issued shares (total issued shares
are approx. 234.3 million) with a maximum value of NOK 1.7 billion

For the period 03 January until 09 January 2023, Schibsted has purchased a total
of 155,115 own A-shares at an average price of NOK 187.6930 per share, and a
total of 189,585 own B-shares at an average price of NOK 181.8038 per share.


Date             | Aggregated daily  | Weighted average | Total daily      
                 | volume (number of | share price per  | transaction value
                 | shares)           | day (NOK)        | (NOK)            
3 Jan 2023       | 33,000            | 186.0279         | 6,138,921        
4 Jan 2023       | 33,600            | 189.0810         | 6,353,120        
5 Jan 2023       | 28,733            | 188.4739         | 5,415,419        
6 Jan 2023       | 54,382            | 186.9260         | 10,165,412       
9 Jan 2023       | 5,400             | 192.8000         | 1,041,120        
Total for period | 155,115           | 187.6930         | 29,113,993       
Previously       | 466,855           | 189.8239         | 88,620,260       
disclosed        |                   |                  |                  
Total for        | 621,970           | 189.2925         | 117,734,253      
programme        |                   |                  |                  


Date             | Aggregated daily  | Weighted average | Total daily      
                 | volume (number of | share price per  | transaction value
                 | shares)           | day (NOK)        | (NOK)            
3 Jan 2023       | 40,700            | 180.1101         | 7,330,480        
4 Jan 2023       | 40,700            | 182.6148         | 7,432,422        
5 Jan 2023       | 24,273            | 180.7386         | 4,387,068        
6 Jan 2023       | 43,000            | 180.8377         | 7,776,021        
9 Jan 2023       | 40,912            | 184.3292         | 7,541,277        
Total for period | 189,585           | 181.8038         | 34,467,268       
Previously       | 570,600           | 184.5868         | 105,325,214      
disclosed        |                   |                  |                  
Total for        | 760,185           | 183.8927         | 139,792,482      
programme        |                   |                  |                  

Following the transactions above, Schibsted has bought back a total of 1,382,155
shares with a transaction value of approx. NOK 257,526,735 under the buyback

The issuer's holding of own shares:
Following the completion of the above transactions, Schibsted owns a total of
621,970 own A-shares, and a total of 1,400,222 own B-shares, corresponding to
0.86% of total issued shares in Schibsted.

A detailed overview of all transactions made under the buyback programme that
have been carried out during the above-mentioned time period is attached to this
notice and available at www.newsweb.no.

Oslo, 10 January 2023


This information is subject to the disclosure requirements pursuant to Section
5-12 of the Norwegian Securities Trading Act.


 * Jann-Boje Meinecke, VP, Head of Investor Relations, +47 941 00 835,


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20230109 SCHA trades detailed.pdf -

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