RVRC Holding AB (publ) (OM:RVRC) ("RevolutionRace", or the "Company") ABG Sundal Collier AB and Carnegie Investment Bank AB (publ) have been engaged by Altor Fund Iv (No. 1) Ab and Altor Fund Iv (No. 2) Ab to explore the opportunity to sell approximately 7.8 million shares in RVRC Holding AB (publ) ("RevolutionRace", or the "Company") to Swedish and international institutional investors through an accelerated book-building procedure.

The price per share and the final number of shares to be offered in the Placement will be determined after close of the accelerated book-building procedure. The book-building procedure will commence immediately after the publication of this press release and end before the commencement of trading on Nasdaq Stockholm on 14 June 2024. The book-building procedure may be cancelled, extended or closed at any time on short notice at the discretion of ABG Sundal Collier, Carnegie and Altor.

Further announcements will be made following completion of the book-building. The current ownership interest of Altor in the Company's issued share capital is approximately 27%. Altor will continue to be a major shareholder in RevolutionRace following the Placement.

Altor has agreed to a customary lock-up with respect to its remaining shares in RevolutionRace until the publication of the Company's year-end report 2023/2024, which is expected to be on or about 13 August 2024. ABG Sundal Collier and Carnegie act as joint bookrunners (together, the "Joint Bookrunners") in connection with the contemplated Placement.