Certain Ordinary Shares of RVRC Holding AB (publ) are subject to a Lock-Up Agreement Ending on 31-MAY-2024. These Ordinary Shares will be under lockup for 1080 days starting from 16-JUN-2021 to 31-MAY-2024.

The Founders have committed to a lock-up period of 1,080 days with respect to 20 percentage points of their holdings (corresponding to 20 per cent1 of the total number of shares and votes in the Company), with the remainder of their holdings being subject to a lock-up period of 360 days from the first day of trading. Current and former shareholding members of the Board of Directors and shareholding employees in the Group, among them the Company's Executive Group Management, will commit to a lock-up period of 360 days from the first day of trading. Altor will commit to a lock-up period of 180 days.