'Kubanenergo' PJSC ('Rosseti' group) will participate in annual International forum of power industry 'RUSGRIDS-ELECTRO'. Russian grids. New opportunities'. Forum takes place at the central exhibition complex 'Expo centre'.

Aleksandr Gavrilov, Direcor General of 'Kubanenergo' PJSC, will take part in business programme, visit exposition stands of the biggest grid companies, hold series of working meetings.

Heads of departments, technical and innovation development specialists, material suppliers are part of the delegation of Kubanenergo.

The Forum programme includes about 50 business events with the participation of competent persons of power industry: government officials, heads of the largest grid and generating companies, developers, manufacturers of power-generating facilities, Russian and international experts, representatives of public associations and scientific companies.

Discussions, meetings and round tables of International forum of power industry 'RUSGRIDS-ELECTRO'. Russian grids. New opportunities' will cover a wide range of issues connected with production and distribution of electric energy, effective management, international and public and private partnership in branch, import substitution and introduction of technological innovations in sphere of electric energy. The All-Russian regional conference 'Energy efficiency and resource saving', partner event with Russian National Committee CIGRE 'Adoption of direct current technologies in UES of Russia: experiments and opportunities', meeting of Club of innovative leaders, Communication forum 'New opportunities in development of strategical communications in power industry under the conditions of modern market' will become the part of Forum business programme.

The main subject of the Forum is efficiency of risks management in the power industry under the conditions of changes in world and Russian economics. Considerable attention will be devoted to discussing a wide range of issues in the sphere of innovation and new technologies, energy efficiency, information security, cooperation with the fundamental and applied science, supporting of small and medium-sized types of business, including small innovative enterprises, human resources reserves, strategic communications and international cooperation.

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