37637700200100_00200000100400_00100200_00100100_00R00a00p00o00r00t00 00b00i00e00z00a00c00y00 00U00D00o00r00i00_00E00N Current Report No. 21 / 2014

Report Date: 11 December 2014
Abbreviated name of the issuer: Ronson Europe N.V.
Subject: The report of U. Dori Group Ltd. on the review of the strategic options regarding the sale of the shareholding of U. Dori Group Ltd. and Global City Holdings N.V. in the Issuer.

Legal basis:Article 56 section 1.1 of the Act on Public Offering - inside information

The report:

The board of directors of Ronson Europe N.V. (the "Issuer") hereby discloses the text of the report published earlier today by U. Dori Group Ltd:
"The Company [i.e. U. Dori Group Ltd.] hereby notifies that it and Global City Holdings N.V. (a corporation under the control of Israel Theaters Ltd.) ("IT") are exploring their strategic options regarding the sale of all or a part of the shareholdings in Ronson Europe N.V. ("Ronson") held by one or both shareholders. It is hereby clarified that there is no certainty that such transaction shall be conducted and/or with respect to its terms. The consent to execute any such transaction is subject to, inter alia, said examination process and to the consent of the respective governing bodies of both shareholders.
Ronson is a public corporation, incorporated under the laws of the Netherlands, the shares and debentures of which are publically traded on the Warsaw Stock Exchange, Poland. Each of the Company and IT holds (indirectly) 39.8% of the shares in Ronson."

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