Coupon Payment 07.03.2023 17:16:34 (local time)

Company: Rodna Zemya Holding AD-Sofia (6R2B)
The calculation of the accumulated interest on the bond issue of Rodna Zemya Holding AD (6R2B), ISIN BG2100003206, shall be discontinued as of 08 March 2023.
Upon entering a clean price of 100% per bond, the "dirty" price shall equal BGN 1,000.
The change is due to a notification of a delay in interest payment due by 06 March 2023.
For further information, please, contact the BSE Trading Department at the following telephone numbers: +359 2/ 9370942 or 9370933.



Rodna Zemya Holding AD published this content on 07 March 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 07 March 2023 15:34:05 UTC.