iBuyNew Group Limited reported unaudited sales results for the second quarter and half year of fiscal year 2018. For the quarter, the company reported total transaction value (TTV) of $28.84 million against $19.10 million a year ago. Sales were 40 against 39 a year ago. Commissions generated were $1.39 million against $1.06 million a year ago. For the half year, the company reported total transaction value of $46.81 million against $37.14 million a year ago. Sales were 72 against 70 a year ago. Commissions generated were $2.34 million against $1.99 million a year ago. The significant improvement in both the TTV and Commissions Generated has largely been derived through a strategic change in staff resourcing, sales marketing and initiatives culminating in five individual record sales exceeding $1.5 million in TTV respectively in second quarter of 2018.