RepliCel Life Sciences Inc. reported that the six-month post injection follow-up period of its TS001-2009 clinical trial is nearing completion. To date, 17 of 19 subjects have had their six-month follow-up visit, during which time subjects had their overall health evaluated. This included subjective and objective assessment of verum and placebo injected sites and digital images were taken of the scalp and injection areas. The digital images will be used to assess any treatment response and any post-injection changes in scalp health compared to baseline and between the two treatment areas. The remaining two patients are scheduled to complete their follow-up visits before the end of March. Four patients will complete 12-month follow-up visits in that same time frame. To date, no serious adverse events have been reported post injection in any of the 10 men and 9 women participating in the study. The TS001-2009 study team will be performing a thorough review of the collected study data throughout the months of March and April 2012. Once complete, the treatment groups will be revealed ('un-blinded') to the data analysis team and the data will be analyzed. RepliCel remains on schedule to release the initial review of efficacy results in April 2012. Subject efficacy at 6-months post injection is the first step in measuring a treatment response. All subjects will continue to participate in the post injection follow-up period of the study until August 2013 and a review of final safety and efficacy results will commence before the end of 2013. The continued follow-up period is a key component of the study to confirm treatment safety profile and response trends at 6, 12 and 24 months. The initial data from RepliCel's 6-month subject follow-up will be used in the Company's Investigational Medical Product Dossier (IMPD), which is presently being developed for a Phase IIb dose-ranging clinical trial of 100 patients that is expected to commence in fall 2012. The protocol will be submitted to the EMEA, FDA and Health Canada for review. A final decision on the location of the trial is pending.