Change of Chairman

The Company announces that due to ill health, Mr Ernest Fenton has stepped down
as the Chairman of the Company with immediate effect. Mr Fenton will continue
as a Director of the Company until his retirement at the 2014 Annual General
Meeting. The Board would like to take the opportunity to thank Mr Fenton for
his able guidance and valuable contribution to the success of the Company and
wish him a full and speedy recovery.

The Board announces that Mr Andrew Barker, a Director of the Company, will
replace Mr Fenton as Chairman with immediate effect.

Mr Fenton commented, "Due to ill health, I regret that I am not able to offer
myself for re-election to the board this year. I have greatly enjoyed my years
as a Director and Chairman of your Company, and would like to thank my fellow
directors, the Investment Manager and advisers for their unwavering support and
guidance. I am delighted that Andrew has agreed to replace me as Chairman and I
wish him, and the Company, every success for the future."
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