RealPage, Inc. announced the launch of EasyLMS, a one-stop learning management system (LMS) for property management professionals and their staff. EasyLMS’s exciting approach to training offers a revolutionary new method to help employees learn. EasyLMS trades traditional hours-long courses with professional training broken up into digestible 10- to 15-minute lessons, making subjects easy to digest and fit into a busy work schedule. The new approach also incorporates gamification and active engagement into the process. Certifications and badges appear on transcripts, helping internalize value and provide external recognition for employees. The system encourages friendly competition between co-workers with the leader board and displays badges in a digital trophy case, motivating learning for the long term. And users can access all courseware from any computer or smart device. EasyLMS provides intuitive dashboards that allow managers and system administrators to easily track and proactively manage training progress. The system includes access to RealPage’s library of multifamily-specific soft-skill training and interactive product tutorials, as well as functionality for importing custom-created or third-party content. Organizations can even brand the user interface to personalize the experience.