Realfiction Holding AB announced that Søren Steen Pedersen, with extensive experience of creating digital platform solutions, has been recruited to the position as Chief Operation Officer (COO). He will assume the position on December 15. Søren will be an important part of the company's current development towards becoming a leading global distributor of complete mixed reality solutions. Søren Steen Pedersen has previously, among other things, co-founded and developed the company adQuota's international advertising platform for mobile phones, and worked in a similar position at MobilePeople. He holds a master’s degree from Copenhagen Business School with focus on organisation and leadership. Søren has just the experience and competence profile that have been searching for to the role as COO of Realfiction. With the launch of DeepFrame and Dreamoc Diamond, as well as the development of rental concept and easy-to-use content creation platform, have all the tools needed to expand into a leading, global distributor of complete mixed reality solutions. With Søren, also have the leading force that is necessary to merge these tools into an accessible digital media platform that will attract existing as well as new clients, says Realfiction's CEO Clas Dyrholm. Clas Dyrholm is also pleased that Søren Steen Pedersen can assume the position as COO as early as December 15 this year, and thus contribute to maintaining the company’s strong momentum since its listing on Nasdaq First North this spring.