ASX Announcement

Wednesday 4 September 2013
RUN Corp Limited advises that the DRP price for the final dividend in respect of the year ended 30
June 2013 is $0.20 (20 cents) per ordinary share.
If a shareholder wishes to participate in the DRP, the shareholder's Application must be received by
Computershare prior to 5pm on the record date (19 September 2013).
In determining the price under the DRP, the Board set the price per share having regard to the following guiding principles.
• The Board reviewed recent trading activity in the shares of the Company, including the volume and price of recent trades.
• After considering these trades, the Board determined a price which it regarded as appropriate and reasonable and, given that the Board wishes to encourage shareholders to participate in the DRP, the Board applied a discount of approximately 10% to that price for the purposes of the DRP.
The dividend is payable, and the DRP shares are expected to be allocated to DRP participants, on 9
October 2013.
Jeff Stein
Company Secretary

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