603 page 1/2 15 July 2001

Form 603 Corporations Act 2001 Section 6718 Notice of initial substantial holder

.[Q_ Company Name/Scheme


1. Details of substantial holder (1)

Na me
ACN/ARSN (if applicable) 14-q no
The holder became a substantia! holder on Ot;ll;l'l.

2. Details of voting power

The total number of votes attached to ali the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the seheme that the substantial holder or an associate (2) had a retevant interest {3) in on the date the substantial tOider became a substantialhOlder are as folows:

Class of securities (4)

Number of securities

Person's votes (5)

Voting power (6)

10, Doo ooo

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3. Oetails of relevant interests

fhe nature of the relevant interest the substantial holder or an associate had in the following voting securities on the date the substantial ho!der became a substantial holder are as follows:





4. Details of present registered holders

The persons registered as holders of the secunties referred to in paragraph 3 above are as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Registered tlOider of securities

Person entitted to be registered as holder (8)

Class and number of securities

5. Consideration

The consideration paid far each relevant interest referred to in paragraph 3 above, and acquired in the four months prior to tl1e day that the substar1tìal holder became a substantial holder is as follows:

Holder of relevant interest

Date of acquisition

Consideration {9)

Class and number of securities


6. Assocìates

fhe reasons the persons named in paragraph 3 above are associDtes of the substantiDI holder are as fol!ows:

603 page 2/2 15 July 2001

Name and ACN/ARSN {if applicable)

Nature of association

7. Addresses

The addresses of persons namect in this formare as fo!lows:



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print name

sign here

date -Dì l li i l 'l.

(1) lf there are a number of substantiallmlders with similar or related relevant interests {eg. a corporation and its related corporations. or the manager and trustee of an equity trust), the names could be included in an annexure to the form. lf the relevant interests of a group of persons are essential!y similar, they may be referrecl to throughout the form as a specificaHy named group if tt1e membership of each group. with the names and addresses of members is clearly set aut in paragraph 7 of the form.
(2) See the definition of"associate" in section 9 of tt1e Corporations Act 2001.
(3) See the definition of "relevant interest" in sections 608 and 6718(7) of the Corporations Act 2001. (4) fhe voting shares of a company constitute one c!ass unless divided into sepamte classes.
{5) The totaJ numbe1· of votes attached to an the voting shares in the company or voting interests in the scheme (if any) that the person or an associate has il retevant
interest in.
(6) The person's votes divided by the total votes in the body corporate or sclleme multiplied by 100.

(7) lnclucle detaifs of:

(a) any relevant agreement or other circumstances by whicll the relevant interest was acquircd. lf subsection 671!3(4) applies, a copy of any document setting out the terms of any relevant agreement. and a statement by the person giving full and accurate detai!s of any contract. scheme or arrangement must accompany this form, together with a written statement certifying this contract scheme or arrangement; and
(b) any qualification of tlle power of a person to exercise. contrai the exercise of, or influence the exercise of, the voting powers or disposal of the securities to which the relevant interest relates (indicating clearly the particular securit1es to which the qualification applies).
See the defimtion of "relevant agreement" in section 9 of the Corporations Act 2001.
(8) lf the sullstantial tmlder is unallle to determine the identity of t11e person ( eg. 1f the relevant interest arises tJecause of an option) write "unknown".
(9) Detai!s of the consideration must include any andali benefits. money and other. that any person from whom a relevant interest was acquired has. or may. become entitled to receive in relatiOn to that acquisition. Deta11s must be included even if the benefit is conclitional on the happening or not of a contingency. Details must be mcluded of any benefit paid on llehalf of the substantial holder or its associate in relation to the acquisitions. even if they are not paid directly to the person from whom the relevant interest was acquired.

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