Rapid Dose Therapeutics Corp. announced their newest research partnership program entitled “Rapid Delivery of Therapeutics via Dissolution of Polymeric Films” with McMaster University, located in Hamilton, Ontario, Canada. This research program, which was successfully awarded a NSERC Collaborative Research and Development (CRD) grant, will receive a total funding amount of $540,000 over three years, effective January 1, 2020. The research collaboration will be led by the principal investigator, Dr. Alex Adronov and co-investigator Dr. Harald Stover, both of whom are full professors in the department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology at McMaster University. The project will focus on developing novel biopolymer compositions that can offer enhanced drug delivery performance when formulated in oral dissolvable thin films. The majority of therapeutic drugs are administered as pills, tablets and capsules because dosing can be better controlled compared to taking an oral liquid suspension. However, many patients have difficulty swallowing (children, the elderly, and patients suffering from dysphasia or severe nausea). Moreover, many pharmaceuticals that are swallowed undergo first-pass metabolism in the stomach, which can degrade the medicine over a prolonged period and can lead to liver toxicity. Oral dissolvable film strips are an attractive alternative to pills because they quickly dissolve in the mouth and under the tongue, enabling the therapeutic drug to be absorbed rapidly into the mucosal membranes of the mouth, and transport into the bloodstream. Another advantage of using oral dissolvable film strips is that they bypass the gastrointestinal tract and can reduce liver toxicity. Rapid Dose Therapeutics produces QuickStrip™, a proprietary oral dissolvable film strip that was shown in recent research study published in Frontiers of Pharmacology, that QuickStrip™ can provide greatly enhanced bioavailability and rapid uptake of the active ingredient compared to oral administration into the stomach.