Progress announced the next evolution of its Telerik Platform offering, the only mobile development platform combining rich UI tools and cloud services to build compelling apps, regardless of operating system, device or technology. After a year on the market, the Telerik Platform offering has hit many major milestones, culminating in its latest release, which focuses on speed, powerful mobile app development and testing. Launched in January 2014, the modular, cloud-first, end-to-end vision of Telerik Platform offering is unlike any other in the market.

Furthered with the release of three new modules in June focusing on prototyping, distributing and gathering user feedback, Telerik Platform solution has been widely adopted by developers the world over based on its ease-of-use and agility. Telerik Platform release focuses on speed and powerful mobile development. Equipped with day one support for the latest iOS and Android releases, it offers device cloud testing, enabling automated app testing for hundreds of different devices.

Another major enhancement, Screen Builder (currently in beta) accelerates PhoneGap app scaffolding and enables both developers and business users to create 80% of the mobile app from pre-built and pre-wired screens without ever touching code. The latest Telerik Platform release also makes mobile development easier and more guided than ever, by providing new mobile app dev quick start templates to get developers building complex mobile apps fast. With the new templates and quick start workflows, developers can build their first app in as little as 15 minutes.

In addition, the release takes interactive push notifications to the next level with the Telerik Cordova Push plugin with built-in backend services, push troubleshooting logs and a simplified push API.