PROACTIS, a global Spend Control and eProcurement solution provider, today announced that Cardiff County Council has selected the PROACTIS Source-to-Contract software suite, including Supplier Relationship Management, Sourcing and Contract Management - the most comprehensive range of tools that help procurement operations to increase savings, reduce risk and improve efficiencies.

For Cardiff County Council, a PROACTIS Alito user since 2007, the upgrade to PROACTIS' latest generation of software will enable its Procurement team to improve business operations and standardise procurement best practices by providing a framework of process and document templates, automated workflow and business rules, a single repository of information, and capture of all procurement activity details.

The PROACTIS Source-to-Contract software suite is built on a cloud-based framework that supports geographically dispersed procurement teams and activity, as well as a broad range of self-service online supplier capabilities.

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