Power Metals Corp. announced that it is preparing the documents to apply for an exploration permit from the Ontario government for a drill program on its Case Lake Lithium (Li)-Cesium (Cs)-Tantalum (Ta) Property. As per Power Metals' agreement with Sinomine (Hong Kong) Rare Metals Resources Co Limited ("Sinomine"), the two companies will jointly fund the drill program.

The purpose of the drill program will be to expand the Li-Cs-Ta mineralization at West Joe Dyke and the Li-Ta mineralization on the Main Dyke. The drill program will also explore to search for new Li-Cs-Ta mineralization over the 2 km between West Joe Dyke and Main Dyke. Case Lake Li-Cs-Ta Property is a three-commodity property with Lithium (Li), Cesium (Cs) and Tantalum (Ta) mineralization in the form of spodumene, pollucite and Ta-oxide minerals.

West Joe pegmatite dyke is unique in that it is one of the few cesium-rich pegmatites in the world. There are only three deposits that have been globally mined for cesium: Tanco, Manitoba, Sinclair, Australia and Bikita, Zimbabwe, however the cesium supply has been depleted in each of these deposits at a time when the global demand for cesium is rising. Case Lake Property is located in Steele and Case townships, 80 km east of Cochrane, NE Ontario close to the Ontario-Quebec border.

The Property is 10 km x 9.5 km in size with 14 identified tonalite domes. The Case Lake pegmatite swarm consists of six spodumene dykes: North, Main, South, East and Northeast Dykes on the Henry Dome and the West Joe Dyke on a new tonalite dome. Case Lake Property consists of 556 cell claims in Steele, Case, Scapa, Pliny, Abbotsford and Challies townships, Larder Lake Mining Division.

The Case Lake Property is owned 100% by Power Metals Corp.