
The Directors of Plan B Group Holdings Limited (“Plan B” or the “Company”) are pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Andrew Black as Chief Executive Officer.

Mr Black joins the Company at an important juncture for the financial planning profession in Australia. The appointment of Mr Black and Plan B’s client-focused heritage provide a firm footing from which to embrace the proposed legislative reforms announced recently within the Government’s Future of Financial Advice (FoFA) package.

Plan B Chairman, Bryan Taylor, said: "We are pleased to welcome Andrew and look forward to his efforts to ensure that Plan B achieves its long-term strategic goals. The Board is confident that it has selected a CEO who truly understands the Plan B fiduciary heritage and client-centric approach.”

Mr Black will commence his role as CEO on 19 September 2011. He brings 30 years’ experience within the financial services industry, most recently as head of Skandia Australia, when it was part of the global Old Mutual Group. Prior to this, he was General Manager, Private Bank, Investment Lending and Directshares of St George Bank, and before that held various management roles in retail banking.

He will report to the Board of Directors of Plan B.

A summary of the key terms and conditions of Mr Black’s employment arrangements is attached.