Physitrack PLC boosts its management team and recruits Michal Wegrzyn from Zendesk. Michal Wegrzyn will take on a new role as Head of Engineering at Physitrack. As a result of the recruitments, co-founder and CTO Nathan Skwortsow will take on a new position focused on sourcing and developing new business ventures on behalf of the company. Michal Wegrzyn, who prior to joining Physitrack was an Engineering Manager at NYSE-listed
$10bln market leader in customer support SaaS provider Zendesk, has been recruited as Head of Engineering. Michal will lead a new team of in-house Ruby on Rails, Mobile and DevOps developers, as Physitrack transitions away from its previous inhouse/outsource hybrid software development model. The new setup will not only benefit Physitrack from an efficiency and cultural standpoint but will also optimize the cost of investments in Physitrack's platform.
As a result of the recruitments, co-founder and CTO Nathan Skwortsow will take on a new position in Physitrack's management team focused on sourcing and developing new business ventures on behalf of the company.