, Inc. announced the launch of a new service called, "Managed by uSell." The new service greatly increases uSell's ability to control its customer experience and dramatically improves the scalability of the uSell platform. In order to launch the Managed by uSell service, uSell has partnered with a 3rd party logistics company to inspect, wipe, and process devices before passing them along to the buyers offering the high prices for each device. This ensures that buyers get exactly the devices that they bid for, while sellers are provided a fair appraisal and quick payment.

Additionally, uSell has a scale advantage over the individual buyers in its network, so it is able to charge its buyers for the service at a discount to what these buyers can do themselves. This innovation is in line with previous enhancements to uSell's technology that leveraged its scale to control more of the customer experience, such as its shipping kit fulfillment service and its payment processing service. An additional benefit of the service is that uSell will be able to bring new buyers onto its platform more rapidly, without the risk of adding buyers that do not comply with uSell's operating standards.

Because uSell will only ship devices to buyers after they have paid for them, it will be able to dynamically reroute orders in the event that a buyer cannot pay at a rate that is in line with uSell's service level agreements.