Phio Pharmaceuticals Corp. announced that a Safety Monitoring Committee (SMC) reviewed safety data from the first dose cohort treated in the Phase 1b clinical trial with Phio?s lead compound PH-762. Based on these findings, the SMC recommended the escalation to the next dose concentration.

Phio?s ongoing Phase 1b clinical study (NCT 06014086) is designed to evaluate the safety and tolerability of neoadjuvant use of intratumoral PH-762 in Stages 1, 2 and 4 cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma, Stage 4 melanoma and Stage 4 Merkel cell carcinoma. There have been no dose-limiting toxicities, or clinically relevant treatment-emergent adverse events in the initial cohort receiving intratumoral PH-762. The intratumoral injections have been well tolerated.

The SMC has recommended dose escalation and enrollment of the next planned cohort in the clinical study.